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Design Process 

Welcome to my showcase, where you can find custom designs for logos, resumes, business cards, and other documents. Each design is tailored to your specific needs and preferences, making sure that it represents your brand and identity. With my expertise in art and design, I can create a unique and professional look for your business or personal needs. Contact me to learn more about my design services and let's make your vision a reality.


Midjourney Basics: Makes requested commission prompts from the user into art pieces for use. They are showcased in blocks of 4, called "VARIATIONS". The 4 images generated would be what I would submit to the commissioner for their approval. Depending on the request, some may need further editing via Krita or Paintshop and that is a different pay scale. But for basic prompt fill, this would be your proofs and then if you approved I would submit these to you.


Usage: I expect with all my work for the user to reference it as a commission from me as “BraydenJaselle” with the link to my Deviantart social portfolio and to my website and I will also have a proof of it in my Midjourney gallery for Discord to moderate which gets added to their algo rhythm. 

For more details as to how this process works and what it visually entails, please use the link to my portfolio/blog below:

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